
Deadong University Mission & Vision

  • Daedong University past images1
  • Daedong University past images2

Founding Philosophy

  • Establishing a capable and true human being with traditional beauty and modern culture
  • Cultivating professionals who are sincere, accurate, and serve with a sense of duty
  • Training to become democratic citizens who can fulfill their responsibilities through sound social participation

Academic motto

  • Love

  • Sincerity

  • Volunteer

MissionCultivating creative talent that meets the needs of the times

Educational objective

  • Developing qualities and abilities as a professional
  • Well-mannered and holistic human education
  • Having both international sensibility and capabilities

Ideal Talent

Educate creative human service talent to challenge the future society

  • Explorer
  • Expert
  • Citizen

D-SPEC Core Competence

  • Professionalism
  • Self management
  • Creative Fusion
  • Challenge
  • Global Community

VISION"The best university in Busan, Ulsan, Kyungnam that realizes student value!"


Daedong University's slogan image

Daedong University stands at the pinnacle of passion and sincerity, unchanging over time.

Objective of Development

  • CBest CareerGrowth
  • plus
  • HBest PersonalityDistribute
  • plus
  • OBest OpportunityChallenge
  • plus
  • IBest ISatisfaction
  • equal
  • GO!Student Happiness

The Four Innovation

  • Future Society Ability, Education Innovation
  • Region Coexistence, Industry-academia Innovation
  • Future Respond, Management Innovation
  • Student Sympathy, Campus Innovation