
Deadong University New Music

New Music

At Daedong University, we will train students who are prepared to lead the future of music with character, knowledge, and skills with the best global and competent leaders. Newly constructed concert halls with the best sound system and state-of-the-art classrooms, ensemble rooms, and practice rooms where talented musicians can grow to their fullest potential will be built. In addition, we will implement differentiated transfer-related education to ensure that students continue to develop and grow through a specialised transfer system and create a high transfer rate. In order to provide students with a clear path to employment and to further expand their career options, the music therapy curriculum will be integrated with the health sciences to open the door to employment.

Objectives of Education

This programme aims to cultivate advanced music professionals with creative thinking and sound musicianship who can combine performance and production based on learning and creating new media music technologies pursued in the modern world by cultivating professional theories and solid practical skills in the field of practical music.

  • Cultivate music professionals with strong theoretical and practical skills
  • Cultivate music professionals who can fully realise their creativity on stage
  • Cultivate music professionals with the right character and musicianship


  • Professional singers and broadcasters, choruses, professional performers, banding, specialised session playing for musicals and events Practical music teacher (primary, secondary, high school), after-school speciality tutor, music therapy, etc.
  • Professional composers and arrangers, music producers, music business, music directors for film music/advertising/game music, multimedia related work at broadcasting stations, stage acoustics, recording engineers, etc.
  • 4-year transfer, study abroad